The app that rewards

your mobility




How does Moovance work?


Moovance makes getting around easy

Moovance uses artificial intelligence to automatically detect your trips in real time – whether by bus, car, bike, and even on foot. The app estimates your CO2 emissions to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Rewards for every trip

Once your trip is completed, check your results with just one click. You can make changes and add details before validating. Earn Mooves points every time you validate a trip.

Enjoy exclusive offers

Each validated trip earns you Mooves points which can be converted into discounts with our partners or into donations to environmental associations. The greener and cleaner your mobility, the more Mooves points you earn.

Use your Mooves points with our partners

Collect Mooves points and enjoy benefits from our eco-friendly mobility specialists. And a wide choice of discounts on daily expenses! Want to make a real difference? Easy! Simply convert your points into donations for environmental protection associations.

They can’t all be wrong!





We often get that question. Here’s the answer.

My trip wasn’t detected by the app. What next?

Check that your phone is set up correctly. If you’re unsure, check PHONE SETTINGS & AUTHORISATIONS in FAQs.

Check that location permission is activated on your phone.

If the problem persists, reach out to:

Can the app work without access to my location?

No, it’s not possible. The GPS sensor measures your speed, detecting whether you are travelling in a vehicle.

The app can’t detect your trip if you don’t activate location permission in your settings, if you refuse access to your position, or if there is no GPS signal. If the GPS signal is lost during your trip, the app only stops recording the portion where the signal is lost. This can happen in a tunnel, for example.

How do I earn Mooves points?

Mooves are awarded based on the number of kilometres on foot, cycling, on public transport, or in a car with an eco-driving score of at least 7.5/10.

Users can earn up to 100 Mooves each week.

Every kilometre earns you one Moove.

Kilometres by public transport (train, subway, or bus) are capped at 8 Mooves per day (30 km or 8 km by train earns a maximum of 8 Mooves per day).

Kilometres by car with an eco-driving score of at least 7.5/10 are capped at 1 Moove per trip and 4 Mooves per day (i.e. 30 km or 4 km by car earns a maximum of 4 Mooves per day).

Mooves are credited to a digital wallet when the user validates their trips for the week.

Users have to validate their trips to earn Mooves. Points are lost if the week’s trips aren’t validated.

Remember to validate trips regularly so you don’t lose your Mooves. Don’t forget: the first validation of the day earns 1 Moove.

Enable the necessary permissions for the app under iOS

Once installed under iOS, permissions are required at three levels:

  1. to access the phone’s position
  2. to access the phone’s movements
  3. to send notifications

Permission to access the phone’s position is required. There are three options on iPhones: « never, » « when the app is active » and « always. » Select « always » so that the application runs in the background. If the « always » option is not selected, the automatic trip detector won’t work.

Enable access to phone movements so the app can measure the user’s transport mode. Without access to the phone’s movements, automatic mode continues to operate but the user won’t benefit from all the app’s features.

Activate notifications to receive alerts for when a trip starts or is completed and when results of the analysis are available.

Enable the necessary permissions for the app on Android

Once installed on Android, permission is required at three levels:

  1. to access the phone’s position;
  2. to access the phone’s movements; and
  3. to disable battery optimisation on your smartphone.

Permission to access the phone’s position is required. There are three options on Android: « refuse, » « allow only if the app is in use » and « always allow. » Select « always » so the app operates in the background. If the « always » option is not selected, the automatic trip detector won’t work.

Enable access to phone movements so the app can measure the user’s transport mode. Without access to the phone’s movements, automatic mode continues to operate but the user won’t benefit from all the app’s features.

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