The electric scooter is an emerging mode of transport. They enable you to get around quickly and easily, and are easy to store. However, like all motorized vehicles, they represent a risk for users and other road users alike. Here’s an overview of the insurance requirements for this type of transport.
A favorable context for the emergence of motorized scooters
Scooters are taking over traffic areas. This new traffic method has rapidly gained in popularity, to such an extent that road legislation has yet to adapt.
The rise of coronapists
Major urban areas have taken advantage of COVID-19 to reshuffle the deck when it comes to urban traffic. Some have decided to increase the number of dedicated bike lanes. We’ve even seen the emergence of a new type of lane, the coronapiste.
These temporary arrangements were designed to improve traffic flow in the city, particularly on public transport. In fact, the main aim was to reduce the number of passengers on buses, streetcars and subway trains, by inviting them to opt for a gentler form of mobility – cycling. Cities such as Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nice and Avignon have decided to make these trails permanent. And that’s all it took for scooters to decide to “surf” on this opportunity.

Low Emission Zones
À travers la loi Climat et Résilience, l’État a souhaité permettre aux villes d’opter pour des solutions visant à limiter leurs émissions. La loi prévoit la création de Zones à faibles émissions (ZFE). Ces zones excluent l’accès des véhicules les plus polluants à certaines périodes de la journée. Les vignettes Crit’Air sont l’une des émanations de cette initiative visant à limiter les émissions de polluants atmosphériques, dégradant la qualité de l’air.
Compulsory insurance for users of electric scooters
A legal obligation
With the increase in the number of electric scooter users and a total lack of clarity about traffic rules, accidents involving this mode of traffic have risen. User fatalities rose by 120% between 2019 and 2021, according to Ouest France. In 2021, 22 people lost their lives. And according to the same article, which quotes the Journal du dimanche, it is young people aged 20 to 30 who are most affected. The absence of helmets and upper and lower limb protection aggravates injuries.
Users are not sufficiently aware of the obligation to insure their mode of transport. Indeed, the‘article L211-1 of the French Insurance Code requires drivers of motorized vehicles to have insurance. This must include at least third-party cover for two-wheeled vehicles. Electric scooters are indeed two-wheeled motorized vehicles.
Users of motorized scooters are not covered by the civil liability included in their home insurance. Indeed, even if this liability covers the use of a mechanical bicycle, this is not the case for electric scooters.
The special case of rental
Please note that if you rented an electric scooterit is essential to check with the rental company that you are covered by its insurance for the use of its equipment. The rental company is responsible for covering its customers. Coverage must be included in the contract. We recommend that you read the terms carefully, so as not to be caught unprepared in the event of an accident.

Risks of not taking out insurance
Uninsured users of electric scooters are liable to a fine of 3,750 euros, as provided for in the larticle L324-3 of the French Highway Code. If the user re-offends, the fine can rise to 7,500 euros, leading to the withdrawal of the scooter and suspension of the driver’s license. In the event of an accident, and depending on the damage caused, additional penalties may be imposed. Tens of thousands of euros may be owed to the Fonds de Garanties des Assurances Obligatoires de dommages (FGAO). This fund compensates the victims of uninsured road users. The latter are then obliged to repay the sums paid out by the Fund.
Choosing the right insurance for your electric scooter
Third-party liability insurance for electric scooters is the minimum a user must take out. It covers you for any damage you may cause to another person or property while riding your scooter.
A good electric scooter insurance policy should include additional options such as :
- Theft insurance
- Property damage and bodily injury insurance
- Criminal defense and legal protection
Additional options necessarily imply an increase in the insurance policy, but they protect the user’s equipment and increase protection in the event of damage.