Numbers don't lie!
of French people want better control over the carbon footprint of their trips.
102 299
points awarded to Moovers
kg de CO2
emitted on average by Moovers each week compared to 35 kg for the average French person
Our Team
Anas Mbasso
Janik Added
Co-fondatrice & Directrice Générale adjointe
Rodrigue Langronier
Emilie Dehant
Content Manager
Laura Taris
Chargée Relation client et Communication
Charles Moreau
Product Owner Junior
Yanaïra Clovis
Business Developper & Partenariats
Romain Chevallier
Lead Développeur mobile
Darel Bitsy
Développeur mobile
Tom Taranto
Ingénieur ML
Bastien Bonnet
Développeur data et back, craftsman
Thibault Hicaubert
Responsable Acquisition
Emmanuelle LIRAUD-COEL
Développeuse Fullstack
Michaël Albrecht
Développeur Fullstack
Pacurari Manuela
UX/UI Designer
Sébastien Bel
Développeur mobile